Chromish #52
Chromish #52
"Promise Me, Never Speak Of Dan Morris Again"
"Promise Me, Never Speak Of Dan Morris Again"
Industrial Age of Innocence
Industrial Age of Innocence
Industrial Age of Innocence: Detail
Industrial Age of Innocence: Detail
"Crosses Need To Be Built"
"Crosses Need To Be Built"
"We Were Promised Jet-Packs'
"We Were Promised Jet-Packs'
"A bit of This"
"A bit of This"
"Who Brings A Camera 2 A Ray-Gun Fight?"
"Who Brings A Camera 2 A Ray-Gun Fight?"
Blamo Minky Redux
Blamo Minky Redux
"War Machine 2016"
"War Machine 2016"
"GiveTakeNeedWant" 2016
"GiveTakeNeedWant" 2016
Allowable Holes
Allowable Holes
Awl Shucks
Awl Shucks
"OBB-2" (Oakland Bay Bridge-2)
"OBB-2" (Oakland Bay Bridge-2)
"Frank Lloyd Wrong"
"Frank Lloyd Wrong"
165 MPH 1948
165 MPH 1948
Symbiosis Within Past and Now
Symbiosis Within Past and Now
Industrial Age of Innocence 2015
Industrial Age of Innocence 2015
"Whole Shooter" Detail
"Whole Shooter" Detail
"Hole Shooter"
"Hole Shooter"
157 Teeth Counted 51 Times
157 Teeth Counted 51 Times
"Thought Processed" 2015
"Thought Processed" 2015
Thought Processed Detail
Thought Processed Detail
Mechanical Ambition Photo Print
Mechanical Ambition Photo Print
"Peep Show" 2015
"Peep Show" 2015
Detail "Peep Show"
Detail "Peep Show"
Honor Me
Honor Me
Mechanical Ambition
Mechanical Ambition
Mechanical Ambition Detail
Mechanical Ambition Detail
Vanity Detail
Vanity Detail
You're Beautiful Inside
You're Beautiful Inside
#5 New America Brutalist Series#5 is Metal Sculpture inspired by the brutalist movement made of welded steel, wood, paint
Chromish #52
Chromish #52Brutalist inspired sculpture made of welded steel, walnut, powder coating
"Promise Me, Never Speak Of Dan Morris Again"
"Promise Me, Never Speak Of Dan Morris Again"2017 Metal, Brass, paper, wax, cotton, mylar, 
Industrial Age of Innocence
Industrial Age of Innocence Mixed Media, SoldJeff and Mackenzie Bezos Collection 
Industrial Age of Innocence: Detail
Industrial Age of Innocence: DetailStatements and detail 2015
ResultMixed media sculpture 2013 SOLDJ & M Bezos collection
"Crosses Need To Be Built"
"Crosses Need To Be Built" Steel, Wood, Chalkboard Paint. 2016
"We Were Promised Jet-Packs'
"We Were Promised Jet-Packs'SoldIn the collection of Mark Bezos
"A bit of This"
"A bit of This"Shapes and structure, Metal, Powder-coating
"Who Brings A Camera 2 A Ray-Gun Fight?"
"Who Brings A Camera 2 A Ray-Gun Fight?"Wall mount, Steel, Aluminum, Archival printed photos, Glass
Blamo Minky Redux
Blamo Minky ReduxThis is may mods to a Blamo Minky that is part of a group show .
"War Machine 2016"
"War Machine 2016"Vintage power tool, Steel, Glass 
"GiveTakeNeedWant" 2016
"GiveTakeNeedWant" 2016Steel, wood, plastic, Vintage level
"Scape"Vintage camera, concrete, steel, archival color photograph, plexiglass 
Allowable Holes
Allowable HolesSteel, Vellum, foam-core, Board, Brass
Awl Shucks
Awl ShucksSteel, Vintage awls assorted sizes
"OBB-2" (Oakland Bay Bridge-2)
"OBB-2" (Oakland Bay Bridge-2)Steel, photos on clear vellum, clips, brass, bar clamps
"Frank Lloyd Wrong"
"Frank Lloyd Wrong"Vintage Palm Sander, steel, walnut, wormy maple, power-coating
"Sorry"Walnut, steel, Vintage plane, aluminum, paint
"Farm"Glass, lens, aluminum, assorted organics, photographSoldArtist Richard Carter Collection
165 MPH 1948
165 MPH 1948Mixed media, Vintage power tools, Powder coating
Symbiosis Within Past and Now
Symbiosis Within Past and NowMixed media 2014 6"x4"x6" 
Industrial Age of Innocence 2015
Industrial Age of Innocence 2015Vintage tool, glass, wood, powder coating, mylar, ink Dim. H.23"x 10" dia.  Sold: In the Collection of Jeff & Mackenzie Bezos
"Whole Shooter" Detail
"Whole Shooter" DetailA closer look.
"Hole Shooter"
"Hole Shooter"Vintage Power drill, Aluminum, steel, bullet casings
157 Teeth Counted 51 Times
157 Teeth Counted 51 TimesThis is a conceptual peice built around the idea that even the littlest of things must be recognized as a small part of the greater task. I repetitively, carefully counted each tooth on this saw all 257 of them. After each complete round of counting I drilled one .257 diameter hole. I repeated this 51 times. The 51 is a bow to the years it took for me to come to terms with this idea one Unitarian-Mechanical idealism. Once the saw and overt meditation was finished, I sawed the wood with 257 strokes to conclude the process. 
Negative Dim. 56" x 20" x 19"
NegativeNegative compels the observer to walk around the entire piece, to look closely at the details which are muted intentionally by the very matte black finish. This message I hope is being conveyed is that of functional void, were little appears to be a very much.Vintage circular saw, paint, steel, woodDim. 56" x 20" x 19"
"DeePak"Mixed Media Sculpture, Vintage Drill, Steel, Brass Wire, All thread
"Thought Processed" 2015
"Thought Processed" 2015 Public art installation at the Wyly Art Center park in Basalt,Colorado.Thought Processed, This sculpture is my interpretation to pay tribute  to the simple pencil for a fund raising event at the Wyly Art Center 8'x 7'x 2' Steel, Ceder, paint, tin
Thought Processed Detail
Thought Processed Detail
Mechanical Ambition Photo Print
Mechanical Ambition Photo PrintBlack and white Photograph 
BraceSold!Brace was a study of development, the giant infrastructure to support a small piece of earth. Antique hand drill, walnut, pleasing little fake trees, brass, wood40" x 11" x 8"
"Peep Show" 2015
"Peep Show" 2015This work brings the viewer to an almost voyeuristic state. Peep show draws you in for a much to close of a look. It offers an understated  message and exploits the devil inside us, the creature of curiosity, an onlooker. Vintage Circular saw, paint, LED light, aluminum. 
Detail "Peep Show"
Detail "Peep Show"Another angle of this sculpture and the details
Honor Me
Honor Me"Honor Me"Nickel, Box Knife, Cardboard, Mirror, glass, florescent light, stainless steel.
Mechanical Ambition
Mechanical Ambition"Where there is a will, there is a way" is never to underestimate, always question.Vintage power tool, blade, aluminum21.75" x 10" x 5.25" 
Mechanical Ambition Detail
Mechanical Ambition Detail Detail.
Vanity Vintage power tool, Cadmium, Nickel, Cotton cording 18.5" x 10" x 5.25
Vanity Detail
Vanity DetailDetail
You're Beautiful Inside
You're Beautiful InsideVintage GE power drill, gold paint, applied gold leaf synthetic ruby and sapphire.Inspired by fine watch making and the benign status of a common power drill the work speaks to the unrecognized accomplishment that this tool was part of creating. A home, a collectable car, a priceless piece of furniture.8.5" x 9" x 3"
"Brace-2"Brace, Wood, plastic, steel SOLD
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