Here is a quick sample of a new series of work I'm calling "HAZmatters". I want to focus on the weird world of caution, hazards and industrial safety that in the big picture, will kill us anyway.  

These safety warning signs when combined in a random order create an inordinate amount of horrible sounding plights.  

Be sure to follow this blog for updates of recent projects and current shows. 


Work in progress

Work in progress

Denver Santa Fe Studio Show

It was my first, First Friday studio show in the amazing Art District on Santa Fe in the big city of Denver, Colorado. With short notice and a ton to finish, I made it in good form.  

There was an endless stream of people with an endless amount of love, more than 150 of them. Here are some photos for the night. 


Entry to show. 'beautiful on the inside' and ' 257" 

Entry to show. 'beautiful on the inside' and ' 257" 

Crowd shot

Just a few people.... 

Just a few people.... 

Taking a closer look

Kendall Smith doing exactly what I hope "Result" would do.

Kendall Smith doing exactly what I hope "Result" would do.

Three on dosplay

Early into the show  

Early into the show  

Details, details... 

Toddy looking deeply into "exploded/detail". I am very happy how people engaged the work. 

Toddy looking deeply into "exploded/detail". I am very happy how people engaged the work. 


Doing my best to involve the art lovers in my stories

looking at Beautiful on the inside

looking at Beautiful on the inside

The famous Ricardo Baca... 

...thanks for coming

...thanks for coming

New Work New Show

Denver. May 1st.  Santa Fe Art District. First Friday! 



This is my last sculpture before my first art show in Denver. I am excited to bring my work to the big city. I am taking a curated selection of my current work which I hope will be a good example of my style. I am calling this show "Mechanical Love Stories". 

If you happen to be in the Denver area, please stop by and say hello.


Form is important. These are an ever continuing project that I really enjoy doing. Borrowing for classic portrait photo styles I have tried to bring personality and life to each one of these working tools. Some of these images will be used in future projects, I think they're pretty sweet on their own.

Portrait 1

Portrait 1

The posturing in each one of these reads like subtle body language. 

Portrait 2

Portrait 2

Above image has a bit of "tart" to it


Portriat 3

Portriat 3

This speaks single parent family


Portriat 4

Portriat 4

Imagine a proud, life long worker, proudly displaying the fruit of his labor. 


I I will be doing large format limited prints of these in the near future.  

Please subscribe to this blog and contact me through this site if you are interested in any of my work or would like to purchase a print. 




Some tools, no, most tools have a soul.  These 5 awl's have a history or a memory longer than my time here. When I look at the wear, the patina, the imperfections of the tips of the steel, they were all made by the work and effort of the worker that engaged them.

This is a visual representation of the extension of one's hand. 

Study #1

Photo by Glenn H Smith

Photo by Glenn H Smith

Study #2

Photo by Glenn H Smith

Photo by Glenn H Smith