My O.C.D. & Two Projects On The Bench

It has been a busy couple days for me at my shop/studio. The piece below is what I'm calling "Peep Show", an engaging sculpture that will take a very close examination.  


"Peep Show" 2015 art by Glenn H. Smith

"Peep Show" 2015 art by Glenn H. Smith

This is another peice that I am also working on call "Warning Signs". It is based out of a lawn mower given to me be the renowned artist Richard Carter. I decided to take the caution stickers to heart and build off of that.  

Below is the motor that has been given my touch and I am liking the way it is coming together. 


Warning Signs 2015 art by Glenn H. Smith

Warning Signs 2015 art by Glenn H. Smith

I will be posting updates as things progress. Please share with your friends. 


