I never thought it would come to this, but our world is about to change, and not for the better. With all the tragedy that has been happening with natural disasters, terrorism, polices brutality, the President "lightly suggesting" a nuclear war with North Korea, and now this Las Vegas shooting of innocent concert goers without an explanation, it begs to be asked, "What the Fuck is going on?"
I, as many others, can't answer that question. With social media, and the media, speculating instead of fact finding and conversation "trolls" and sensationalist newscasting, the world of information is muddied, clouded and full of misguided reporters looking for their moment in the sun instead of doing their job as trustworthy informers, truth seekers.
That now is our job.
Our job as Artist, Poets, Musicians, Spoken Word and Comedians to force the truth to the people, in their face, honest, true, unnerving. I am old enough to remember the years of "Punk" when angry young kids took to the airways and streets SCREAMING their POV on the corrupt leaders, greed, inequality, justice.
I remember artists that took risks with their art to shake up emotion, to the distaste of gallery owners and collectors. I remember performance artists doing work that upset the complacent with voices that transcended the typical art lover. Think of "Shoot" by Chris Burden , who shook the art world with his dedication. Remember when "Piss Christ" by Anderas Serranos caused an uproar in the Christian community and beyond?
But what makes this important is that it was not done as a "stunt" for publicity but as an activator. These works are remembered and still talked about today. It did it's job. The Artist did their job.
This is a CALL TO ACTION. This is A CALL FOR ACTIVISM. We need to feel the times and not be mere spectators, distant voyeurs whom agree or disagree with what our world is becoming. Stop being "soundbyte" protestors; let us start an artist movement with content, noise, loud music with lyrics that mean change and calls out the silent. Let us write poems that will be written and recited by many. Let us create art that angers, satisfies, speaks to others and screams in their ears, THINK! DO SOMETHING!
It is time or shall I say, it's about time.