Newest Work

This is my latest Sculpture "Industrial Age of Innocence" 2015. This piece is reflects back to the early industrialization, paying tribute to the efforts and backbone of the people that built what we take for granted today. 


Vintage power tool, glass, wood, steel, powder coating, Mylar, ink  

Industrial Age of innocence 2015

Industrial Age of innocence 2015

A close up of one of the details



My O.C.D. & Two Projects On The Bench

It has been a busy couple days for me at my shop/studio. The piece below is what I'm calling "Peep Show", an engaging sculpture that will take a very close examination.  


"Peep Show" 2015 art by Glenn H. Smith

"Peep Show" 2015 art by Glenn H. Smith

This is another peice that I am also working on call "Warning Signs". It is based out of a lawn mower given to me be the renowned artist Richard Carter. I decided to take the caution stickers to heart and build off of that.  

Below is the motor that has been given my touch and I am liking the way it is coming together. 


Warning Signs 2015 art by Glenn H. Smith

Warning Signs 2015 art by Glenn H. Smith

I will be posting updates as things progress. Please share with your friends. 




New Work in Progress: "Peep Show, LFL"



Sometime things fall perfectly in place. When I look for elements that inspire me or better, speak to me, I listen closely.  

We all have somewhat quiet desires, desires that we keep for ourselves. Those thoughts could be of want, or hate: love or needs. This amazing saw with it case spoke of secrets.  

I plan on adding a "bait" touch to this to draw the viewer in for closer examination, almost a guilty glance. 

I look forward to share the progress of this peice and hope that it causes you to look inside of yourself.  
