Blamo Minky Show / #BlamoMinkyShow In Aspen

It has been a whirlwind around my studio lately, I could not be more pleased. There is plenty going on, new shows, new works, exciting times. 

One show I am very excited about is taking place this week at Birds Nest Gallery and the BLKMKT Aspen in the space formally known as Boogies, in downtown Aspen. It is the Blamo Minky Show which will feature 40 or so different artist using the exact same "toy" named Minky for that amazing artist and culture magnets, Blamo Toys, for us to do what we do. All the works will be shown in mass on the 20th of this month. (and dear god will we need a diversion that day)..

So here is the Minky I am showing. Please share your thoughts and spread the word everywhere if you think this is cool.

2017: The Year of Mechanical Engagement

2016 was a very exciting year. I had a number of shows, some group shows and one very successful solo show at The Art Base in Basalt, fundraisers at The Red Brick Arts Center, The ART WAVE in Aspen, CO and Malibu CA. There was art purchased and commissioned by The Bezos Family Foundation, Private collectors in Houston, California and points afar.

The Aspen Art Museum has been very generous to include me in the Curators Crit sessions that invited artist are critiqued by international museum curators, I am very lucky to be able to take part in such a thing. While we are at it, I also was part of a of a private opening with Julian Schnabel discussing his early work. 

The most recent news of 2017 is the opening of Gallery 8k aka G8K in the heart of downtown Aspen, Colorado. Right in the center of Hyman Ave mall, look for the huge Nail Bear.

Also, I am an invited artist for the Blamo Minky Toy Exhibit

Follow the progress at #BlamoMinkyShow

Follow the progress at #BlamoMinkyShow

Next Is a Group show at The Aspen Gallery in March, Details to come...

Plus here is some of my newest work I have been wrenching on.

Show at the Red Brick!

This will be a short and sweet post. I am happy to announce that I am part of a group show at the Red Brick Arts Center in the beautiful town of Aspen, Colorado.  

The theme of the show is Structure. As opposed to other artist police by of view, but like perimeters.  

Here are a few pieces I am showing: 




This one is the mock up's cool; 



And this is the Facebook announcement: 



Please share with your friends and look for my updates! 

